Month: July 2013

I’m Here…

resolved to reason

This is my first blog post…ever.  What am I doing here? Why write a blog? Why add to the army of  blogs already alive and thriving in cyberspace? There are millions of new blogs that publish to the web every day that cover every imaginable idea and topic from the inane and boring to the interesting and practical.  There are blogs that cover politics, religion, sports, money, food, and blogs that even blog about blogging.  The daunting imagery of a needle in a haystack currently comes to mind as I peck away at my keyboard and yet I can’t wait to publish this so you, whoever you are, can read it.  What is ‘it’ going to be about though? What will this blog be about? Lets circle back to the first question I asked at the beginning of this post: what am I doing here?

The abbreviated answer is that…

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